
Showing posts from 2020

Tough times never last but tough people do !!

Life is full of uncertainties. We cannot predict, what happens next moment. Who had thought that the pandemic Covid-19 would affect the people worldwide? This dangerous contagious disease has paralyzed the lives of people. The world is going through this tough time like never before. The microscopic virus has threatened the existence of human beings. We cannot see through our naked eyes, but it is prevalent everywhere.  This pandemic not only takes it’s toll, but also heralds a great message for the generations to come. Since there is no medication for the virus, the infected person battles against it through their own immunity. So, the sustainable solution to fight against these virus is to enhance your innate immunity. The development of vaccines is very arduous and it should go through various trial phases before it is applied in the larger society.  As far, observing the transmigration of this virus, it is more rapidly spreading in the developed region like Europe an...

Spiritual or Religious??

Many people around us are religious and busy with rituals in hopes that it augurs well for them. Then many are spiritual, not really bothered by the rituals and rites but aiming to live life in tune with the cosmos clock. Would you consider yourself religious or spiritual? Religion is one’s inheritance whereas spirituality is your choice. The religion binds people within the norms of it’s hardcore principles but spirituality let everybody to seek the best in oneself. If we search our existence in this vast cosmos, we are the micro-speck particles, but consider our thoughts and emotion to be the biggest issues. Religion is limited and narrow bounded to it’s norms, whereas it’s a wide terrain in spiritual world to live life in tune with nature. The religious rituals and rites may not be pragmatic way to augur people’s standard of living but if one adopts the spiritual dimension wisely, one’s quality of life gets improved. Being spiritual provides a niche of happiness than being religi...