Spiritual or Religious??

Many people around us are religious and busy with rituals in hopes that it augurs well for them. Then many are spiritual, not really bothered by the rituals and rites but aiming to live life in tune with the cosmos clock. Would you consider yourself religious or spiritual?

Religion is one’s inheritance whereas spirituality is your choice. The religion binds people within the norms of it’s hardcore principles but spirituality let everybody to seek the best in oneself. If we search our existence in this vast cosmos, we are the micro-speck particles, but consider our thoughts and emotion to be the biggest issues. Religion is limited and narrow bounded to it’s norms, whereas it’s a wide terrain in spiritual world to live life in tune with nature. The religious rituals and rites may not be pragmatic way to augur people’s standard of living but if one adopts the spiritual dimension wisely, one’s quality of life gets improved. Being spiritual provides a niche of happiness than being religious to me. We visit temples, church and mosque to pray, but we completely forget to perceive the positive energy contained in those places. We seek happiness, peace and prosperity as our ultimate goal which is best fulfilled by our inclination towards spirituality than being religious. If majority of people turned out to spirituality than to being religious, major confrontation in the world would cease making it a better place to live in.

Science and spirituality find similarities in many instances but religion doesn’t go in tune with science. If we need a relief from our daily hectic schedule it is better to go with the nature. The proximate relationship with the nature provides us the realization of our innate and intrinsic feeling of co-existence. If we come in contact with the five basic elements: air, water, fire, earth, sun on a daily basis; it increases our immunity and prevents us from diseases. Only when we learn to handle these elements within ourselves,than we can control our major life processes.
The ultimate goal we pursue in our life is happiness. The quality of life is not measured by the material wealth one possess but by the contentment in one’s heart. We should not make the peace and happiness as our destination, but should enjoy the process that lead to them. When we start enjoying the process, the result will eventually be positive and successful. 


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